A recent article in the Pekin Daily Times about the upcoming retirement of Associate Judge Richard McCoy features a discussion of its effect on the two high-profile wrongful death cases pending in the 10th Judicial Circuit Court for Tazewell County, Illinois. Gill Ports, Ltd. represents the plaintiffs in both these lawsuits.
- Estate of T.E. v. Pekin Hospital and Estate of Dr. Dwayne McQuitty – Gill Ports, Ltd. and Michael Gill represent the estate of a 35-year-old man who bled to death after Dr. McQuitty negligently operated and failed to diagnose and treat the internal bleeding.
- Estate of D.S. and Estate of F.R. v. Agridyne – Matthew Ports and Gill Ports, Ltd. represent the estates of two men who died after succumbing to dangerous fumes while cleaning rail cars at a facility in Pekin, Illinois.
Source: Pekin Daily Times, New judge to get Edwards death suit, Michael Smothers, June 12, 2017