Many mothers-to-be receive the drug Pitocin to induce labor in the late stages of their pregnancies. When labor doesn’t begin naturally, physicians often choose this drug to move labor along. While the drug is often used successfully in Illinois and around the country, complications can arise. A situation in another state involving Pitocin led to a boy being born with cerebral palsy.
A woman was given Pitocin by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology when she experienced difficult in giving birth in July, 2012. The drug induced contractions that were said to limit the amount of oxygen supplied to the baby boy. He was born with cerebral palsy and catastrophic disabilities.
A lawsuit was filed in 2014 against the doctor who delivered the baby as well as the hospital. Court documents stated that the mother was being monitored during the delivery and that the baby was in distress. It was reported the lawsuit that no one took action to help the baby. The doctor and the hospital both maintain that appropriate medical standards were followed during the baby’s delivery.
In Jan. 2017, the trial was held over a two-week period. The jury found that the doctor and hospital were negligent in their care and awarded the mother and her partner $14.5 million. The compensation included monies for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering and loss of the boy’s ability to enjoy life.
When a child has been born in Illinois with cerebral palsy as a result of possible negligence, it would be beneficial to contact a knowledgeable medical malpractice attorney. An experienced lawyer can assist families with developing a lawsuit to seek compensation for the lifetime of medical expenses they will incur. A reputable legal team will negotiate on a family’s behalf and strive for the best possible outcome of a case.
Source:, “Couple awarded $14.5M in lawsuit“, Phil Ray, Accessed on March 25, 2017