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$502 Million Verdict for Plaintiffs in DePuy Pinnacle Hip MDL

On Behalf of | Mar 18, 2016 | Product Liability |

After days of deliberations, a Dallas jury found in favor of the plaintiffs against Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. unit with a $502 million verdict. The verdict comes at the end of an 11-week bellwether trial in the multidistrict litigation over defective Pinnacle hip prosthetics.

All five plaintiffs in the case underwent hip arthroplasty, where a hip joint is replaced with a prosthetic. In their case, the prosthetics were DePuy Pinnacle metal-on-metal devices, which caused serious health problems including inflammation of surrounding tissues, bone erosion, and metallosis, a toxic condition caused when the device’s components grind against each other and shed metal debris into the bloodstream.

If you or a loved one received a DePuy Pinnacle hip-implant, call us at (312) 828-9666 or e-mail today for a free consultation. Gill Ports, Ltd. is currently investigating and prosecuting hip-implant cases against DePuy and Stryker Corp.
