It is very important for medical professionals and medical facilities to act properly when providing care to children. This includes making sure to not act negligently when it comes to the diagnosing of children. No child in Illinois should have to be subjected to diagnosis-related negligence. Such negligence can lead to children suffering serious injuries.
Recently, a case has arisen involving allegations of the above-mentioned type of negligence. The case is from another state, Texas.
The case involves a young girl. According to the girl’s parents, in the summer of 2011, the girl received care at a pediatric practice and the emergency room of a hospital. The girl’s parents claim that, during this care, doctors committed diagnosis-related negligence. Specifically, they allege that the doctors negligently failed to diagnose appendicitis the girl was suffering from.
The girl’s parents claim that this alleged failure to diagnose led to the girl undergoing an emergency surgery and suffering brain injuries and loss of a leg.
A medical malpractice lawsuit has been brought by the girl’s parents in connection to these allegations. The pediatric practice, the hospital, three doctors and an emergency medical services company have been named as defendants in this lawsuit. One wonders what will happen in this case and how it will ultimately be resolved.
When a parent takes their child to a medical facility, they put a lot of trust in the facility and the medical professionals at it. It is very important for medical professionals and medical facilities to live up to this trust. As the allegations in the above-mentioned case underscore, children can suffer great harm when medical professionals and medical facilities provide them with negligent care.
If a parent suspects that their child has been the victim of medical negligence, he or she may wish to consider meeting with an experienced medical malpractice attorney to discuss options for seeking relief.
Source: KWES, “Midland Family Files Medical Malpractice Suit Against Midland Memorial Hospital,” Alexa Williams, July 29 2013