When motor vehicles collide with pedestrians, it is very clear who is at greater risk of harm. The occupants of the vehicle have safety restraints and other protective systems that may prevent them from developing so much as a bruise. The pedestrian, on the other hand, has nothing to protect them from the physical force of the crash.
The impact of the collision can cause fractures and internal bleeding. The pedestrian could also get knocked down, which could cause a brain injury. Crashes at higher speeds could throw them out into traffic, leading to secondary collisions. Pedestrians usually do their best to be safe around vehicles, but people on foot do not control what those in vehicles decide to do. The unfortunate reality is that drivers cause a large percentage of the pedestrian crashes that occur every year. Many of those crashes relate to one of the three common causes below.
Excess speed
Drivers typically do not think twice about exceeding the posted speed limit, even in busy early areas. They believe that they can still maintain control of their vehicles and stop in time if they encounter a dangerous obstacle. Unfortunately, that overconfidence can lead to tragic consequences for a pedestrian. Even in areas where speed limits should mean that a collision is unlikely to cause serious injury, a speeding driver could hit someone hard enough to hospitalize or kill them.
Alcohol plays a role in many pedestrian collisions. Drug impairment can also lead to a driver failing to notice a pedestrian and causing a tragic but preventable pedestrian crash.
Drivers have never had more outside matters demanding their attention than they currently do. Mobile phones can ping and vibrate even if people put them down while driving. Mental distraction can be as dangerous as the visual and manual distraction caused by looking at or handling a phone. There are many other sources of distraction, from humorous billboards to conversations with passengers, that could also lead to someone failing to notice a pedestrian in traffic.
The unfortunate reality is not even the safest pedestrian cannot predict when they might cross paths with someone who has a phone addiction or who feels like they can drive home safely after having too much to drink. Pedestrians hurt by motorists may need to file insurance claims, and possibly also civil lawsuits, to recover the costs generated by a wreck. Holding drivers accountable for irresponsible behavior often entails seeking financial compensation following a pedestrian collision.