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Getting a 2nd Opinion Could Save Your Life

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2017 | Failure To Diagnose |

The Mayo Clinic recently published results of an investigation of patients referred to its General Internal Medicine Division for second opinions. Researchers found that 21% of the patients in the study went home with a completely different diagnosis than the one they had from their referring provider. Sixty-seven percent left with a modified diagnosis and only 12% of patients’ diagnoses remained unchanged after their visit.

The failure to diagnose serious medical conditions correctly can lead to devastating or fatal consequences. A misdiagnosis may delay the start of a life-saving course of treatment, result in costly complications, or the patient might get no treatment at all. When diagnosis errors happen, complex medical malpractice claims against the hospital, doctor, or other health care provider often follow. If you or a loved one suffered from a wrong diagnosis, please contact one of the medical malpractice lawyers at Gill Ports, Ltd. today. Our experienced team of attorneys can help investigate your misdiagnosis claims and obtain compensation for your injuries and losses.

Source: www.nydailynews.com, Joe Dziemianowicz, accessed 4/6/17
