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Hospital negligence trial regarding brain damaged child begins

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2016 | Nursing Negligence |

When a child’s health and/or life are in jeopardy, Illinois parents rely on medical personnel to properly diagnose and treat the child. However, there is always the possibility that hospital negligence can occur, which causes more harm to the child. It is then that many parents will explore the possibility of filing a medical malpractice suit against the parties believed to be responsible.

That is what one family did when their then 19-month-old boy suffered brain damage, which they say was caused by the negligence of medical personnel. On Sept. 8, 2012, the boy suffered a seizure at home. His mother rushed him to a hospital in their area for treatment. 

The now 5-year-old boy’s medical situation was critical when he arrived at the hospital that day. Getting air to the boy was a priority. However, the attending physician was having problems making that happen. Reports indicate that the doctor consulted with others in an attempt to figure out why his efforts were not working.

It was then that another physician stepped in and locked a pop-off valve. Doing so increased the pressure and provided the boy with air. Sadly, the time wasted by the attending doctor prolonged the time the boy’s brain went without oxygen. The family contends that this led to the brain damage the child suffered. It will be up to the court to determine whether the family’s allegations have merit.

An Illinois family that finds they are facing similar circumstances might also decide to file a medical malpractice claim. If hospital negligence is proved, damages could be awarded by the court. Any restitution received could help with the current and future medical needs — along with other financial burdens — created by the medical mistake.

Source: wiscnews.com, “Trial begins in St. Clare medical malpractice case“, Tim Damos, June 7, 2016
