A number of patient injuries at nursing homes are caused by nursing negligence. In some cases of nursing negligence in Illinois, serious injuries have led to fatalities. In one such case, a man was forced to have his leg amputated due to alleged negligence at a nursing home.
The man was living at the nursing home for a period of five months back in 2013. He had developed a sore on one of his toes, which became infected. Eventually, the infection resulted in the amputation of the toe and then a portion of his leg. During his stay, he experienced multiple falls, and the nursing home received fines that amounted to over $4,000. The nursing home was also placed on conditional licenses in the same time frame.
In regard to inspection, the home was rated at three stars. For restraints and abuse, the home was placed in the bottom 20 percent. According to the lawsuit, negligence at the nursing home is what caused this man’s leg amputation above the knee. The amount the plaintiff is seeking was not disclosed.
When patients are injured due to nursing negligence, they often suffer from emotional and physical burdens. In cases like these, the injuries are so severe that patients’ lives are altered permanently. Patients who were seriously injured due to low standards of care retain the right to file medical malpractice claims against the nursing employees or nursing homes where they were residing. If evidence presented is to the satisfaction of the Illinois civil courts, then demands will be made for the reimbursement of damages in amounts deemed appropriate.
Source: theledger.com, “Suit Claims Nursing Home Was Negligent”, Robin Williams Adams, Jan. 11, 2015