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Seneca Nursing home settles nursing negligence suit

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2014 | Nursing Negligence |

Seneca nursing home was sued by the family of an 87-year-old patient. Illinois blog readers may be interested in learning about this wrongful death claim that resulted in a settlement. The family of the patient claimed that her death was brought on by nursing negligence.

In the summer of 2010, a woman became a patient of the nursing home after a mastectomy. After the woman appeared to be unresponsive during a series of visits, her family grew concerned and notified nursing staff. The family also noticed that she was pale and had lost over 40 pounds, but the nursing staff allegedly falsified documents about her condition. Later on that year, the woman suffered from pneumonia and septic shock, and was admitted to the hospital. In addition, she ended up with a serious case of pressure ulcers on her heels and near her lower spinal column.

Eventually, the woman was taken out of the nursing home and placed in hospice care where she died. According to the lawsuit, Seneca Health and Rehab did not have enough funding and was understaffed. A settlement was reached in the recent weeks, but the amount has not been disclosed.

Even though the woman had end-stage dementia and cancer, her life expectancy may have been longer if she had been properly cared for. A low number of staff members and a limited budget can have an impact on the quality of care that is received. In tragic cases like this one, nursing negligence can cause a substantial amount of injuries and death. Illinois residents who have family members who were injured in a nursing home may have the right to pursue legal action to recover damages.

Source: The State, “Upstate nursing home settles wrongful-death lawsuit”, Nikie Mayo, Oct. 20, 2014
