A hospital and two doctors are faced with a lawsuit from a man who underwent a procedure. The man, who is from another state, alleges hospital negligence after he reportedly suffered from a botched circumcision. However, doctors are denying any wrongdoing and have stated that these claims are false. It is important for Illinois patients to understand their rights when they have been injured under the care of doctors and other medical staff.
The man visited the medical center recently for a routine circumcision. When he awakened, he found that his penis was no longer there. According to the lawsuit, the man was never informed that there was a possibility of an amputation from the procedure. Furthermore, none of the staff members made him aware of what took place.
It was argued by the defendants that this is an inappropriate attempt for the plaintiff to ruin the reputations of the hospital and the doctors. The lawsuit states that the plaintiff alleges negligence and medical malpractice. The amount of compensation sought has not been specified. Two other treatment centers are also listed in the lawsuit.
Hospital negligence may cause a significant amount of injuries, such as a body part being wrongfully amputated. Patients who have experienced medical errors that caused adverse outcomes may have the right to pursue medical malpractice claims under Illinois laws. A successfully litigated civil medical malpractice case may result in compensation. In the above mentioned case, the plaintiff may be compensated for pain and suffering as well as for actual financial damages.
Source: insurancejournal.com, “Doctors, Hospital Deny Medical Malpractice in Alabama Man’s Circumcision“, , July 30, 2014