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Illinois VA hospital negligence under investigation

On Behalf of | May 23, 2014 | Hospital Negligence |

Hospital negligence is at the forefront, particularly at VA hospitals. Some of the allegations are as a result of misconduct and long wait times that patients have had to endure at Illinois hospitals. President Obama stepped in and stated that the allegations of patient mistreatment and hospital negligence will not be tolerated.

The Department of Veterans Affairs has been met with scrutiny over alleged delays in treatment and fatalities that could have been prevented. Currently, 26 centers are under investigation throughout the country. The House approved a proposal for the VA Secretary to have the authority to terminate hundreds of hospital directors and executives. The White House stated that VA officials should have more accountability for their actions.

Obama stated that he’s going to make sure that veterans are given the care they are entitled to receive. At this time, political officials are requesting for the Secretary’s resignation. A director at one of the VA hospitals has been placed on leave until an investigation into care and patient deaths is completed. Reports suggest that there was a secret list of patients that was withheld to hide the patient delays. In the recent months, a bill was passed that would disallow executive staff from receiving bonuses.

Hospital negligence at VA hospitals can cause patients to suffer serious injuries, especially due to treatment delays. These delays can also cause preventable deaths. Illinois families of deceased patients who experience delayed treatments may have the right to pursue wrongful death claims to recoup damages suffered. Successful claims may result in the civil court system awarding surviving families financial damages as deemed appropriate.

Source: whig.com, “Obama vows fix to veterans’ health care troubles”, Julie Pace and Matthew Daly, May 21, 2014
