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Understaffing, negligence alleged in lawsuit against hospital

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2014 | Hospital Negligence |

It is extremely important for hospitals here in Illinois to do everything they can to ensure that their patients receive proper care. This includes making sure to have adequate staffing. When a hospital negligently allows itself to become short-staffed, it can increase the stress and demand on the staff that is present, which can in turn increase the chances of errors, such as diagnosis errors, occurring. Medical errors at hospitals can have major consequences. They can sometimes lead to a patient dying.

Recently, in another state, a wrongful death case has arisen involving allegations of understaffing at a hospital.

The case involves a 26-year-old woman who, according to her parents, received care at a hospital in Pennsylvania in late May 2013.

The woman’s parents say that part of the woman’s stay at the hospital was over the Memorial Day holiday. They allege that the hospital allowed itself to become short-staffed during this holiday period.

The woman’s parents further claim that medical professionals at the hospital committed various negligent errors in relation to the woman’s care, including failing to conduct proper tests and failing to take a proper medical history.

According to the woman’s parents, the alleged negligence that occurred during the woman’s hospital stay led to a delay occurring in the detection of a blood clot the woman had in her brain. They say that this resulted in the woman dying due to the blood clot. The woman’s death occurred on May 29.

The woman’s parents are suing the hospital in relation to these allegations.

Source: The Times Leader, “Malpractice suit filed in young doctor’s death,” Jerry Lynott, Jan. 8, 2014
