Sadly, patients here in Illinois sometimes become the victim of surgical errors. Surgical negligence is a very serious type of medical negligence. Such negligence can cause patients to get severely hurt. Such negligence can sometimes even have fatal results.
One hopes that all medical professionals and medical facilities in Illinois take care to avoid committing such negligence. One also hopes that medical professionals and medical facilities are held accountable when they do commit surgical errors and such errors result in a patient getting hurt or dying.
Recently, a settlement was reached in a case that involved allegations of surgical negligence. The case was from another state, South Carolina.
The case involved a woman who underwent a pacemaker installation surgery at a hospital on Feb. 10, 2010. The woman’s family alleged that negligence, including breathing tube placement negligence and monitoring-related negligence, occurred during the procedure and that this negligence resulted in the woman dying during the operation.
The woman’s family also claimed that the hospital’s staff took efforts to try to hide the alleged negligence.
A lawsuit was brought by the woman’s family against the hospital in connection to the above allegations. As we mentioned above, this case was recently settled. Under the terms of this settlement, a monetary payment will be made to the woman’s family.
As this case illustrates, medical malpractice cases are sometimes resolved through a settlement. Settlement negotiations can be very complex and what happens in such negotiations can be very impactful. This is one of the many reasons why having an experienced medical malpractice attorney on one’s side can be very important when one is pursuing a medical malpractice claim.
Source: The Rock Hill Herald, “Rock Hill hospital settles second major malpractice case this year,” Jie Jenny Zou, Aug. 7, 2013